Medical Equipment Healthcare Group, Inc. (MEDEQUIP), a DTI-PAB Accredited ISO 17020 Inspection Body, recently inked an agreement with Operation Smile Philippines Foundation, Inc. (OSP) to volunteer their engineers and technicians to the latter’s mission sites to ensure the medical devices for oral cleft surgeries are in good working condition.
OSP has an urgent need for trained biomedical personnel to continuously monitor and calibrate the sensitive surgery equipment throughout the duration of its medical missions, and their proper care after, to ensure the safe conduct of the cleft repair procedures.
Safe surgery is an advocacy of Operation Smile globally, while patient safety has always been the priority for MEDEQUIP.
MEDEQUIP has been in Healthcare Technology Management since 2005 and has provided its services to private and government facilities throughout the Philippines.
Shown below following the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement are from left: Jose Pepito M. Amores MD, PhD (Chief Technical Officer, MEDEQUIP), Emiliano Romano (Executive Director, Operation Smile Philippines, and Joseph Patrick S. Amores (Chief Executive Officer, MEDEQUIP).